
time for letters ....

The art show in my hometown is over and went really good - that was fun! And it was such a beautiful room!
I have made a little garland with my name in fabric letters to hang up. Can you see it??? A woman saw it and said "Oh, do you have other letters? This would be nice for my grandchildren!" Well, she ordered three garlands for her grandchildren, how great is this???

So the next days after the show were filled with.... letters! Take a look:
Of course I thought: ok, if there is one customer, there are maybe more....so I wanted to make many more for the Christmas show in 2 weeks! So I started and sew and cut and sew and cut ....and realised this takes time and time which I just don´t have! So the garlands will be made on order! I can´t sew as many letters as to make any names...pfffff
But I really like how these garlands look - that´s pretty nice at my working space wall!!!Barbara from "Miss Pelican"blog gave me a little challenge: take a picture of your working table just as it is at the moment, without tidying up! Well, the perfect time: my table was sooo horrible because of all these letters, I just cleaned it up yesterday! So all I can show now is a wonderful organized table.....(it isn´t that way loooong) These little beauties will be little pouches for your glasses and sunglasses....So I have to challenge three more....now I have to look around and contact some ladies ...lol

Der Kunstmarkt in meinem Heimatort ist vorbei - und llief recht gut! Der Raum war so wunderschön! Eine sehr alte, toll restaurierte Zentscheuer!
Ich hatte eine kleine Girlande mit Stoffbuchstaben "monaw" gemacht und aufgehängt. Da fragte mich eine Frau, ob ich denn nochmehr Buchstaben hätte, das wäre perfekt für ihre Enkel zu Weihnachten! Tadaa, klar kann ich die machen! So hat sie 3 Girlanden bestellt!! Tja, und wenn da ein Kunde ist, sind dann ja vielleiiiiicht auch noch andere - hab ich so gedacht mit dem Weihnachtsmarkt in 2 Wochen im Hinterkopf....
So waren die nächsten Tage mit der Buchstabenherstellung gefüllt. ich habe dann aber gemerkt, dass ich so viele verschiedenen Buchstaben wie im vorhatte gar nicht nähen kann, um so viele verschiedenene Namen dort verkaufen zu können! So gibts die Girlande dann einfach auf Bestellung! Aber diese bunten Buchstaben sehen so schön an der Wand aus, ich möchte si fast an meiner Wand hängen lassen!
Ich wurde von Barbara von MISS PELICANO angeschrieben, ich solle doch ein Photo meines Arbeitsplatzes machen - so wies gerade ist, ohne aufzuräumen! Hahaa, ich habe gerade aufgeräumt (aufräumen MÜSSEN), da wegen dieser Buchstaben das heillose Durcheinander und Chaoes auf meinem Tisch war, dass ich wirklich nix, und zwar GAR NIX mehr machen konnte! So gibst nur ein Bild eines sehr organisierten Tisches! Tja, das gibts auch manchmal.....mal sehen, wie lange das hält - grins...
Das werden übrigens Brillenhüllen...


time for work and time for making bags ...

At the moment I´m working part time. The rest of the day I´m sharing with my kids, their homework and sewing! At Saturday I´m on an arts show in my hometown! So all I do is preapring and I don´t take much time for internet - please excuse me for that!

I have made some new bags. I tried a new design, a new shape.

I have some green heavy weight decor fabric which I wanted to use - but I wanted to try out the new shape first: so I made this black one, a little smaller than the original size. It has a zippered pocket and some leaves for decoration. They are some kind of loose, I like how it looks!

Then the "reading horse": bigger, but the same shape .... a plain design, because of the texture of this cool fabric!I have cut out this horse from an IKEA fabric some years ago! I just loved it and thought - well, maybe some time I need it... the text is written in Swedish, the lining fabric is according to it, but in English. That´s so great! I have bought this fabric some time ago...
The other bags are new too....

You can see I love houses! I tried some variations, played around a little bit. But - they are all some kind of green!! I made them over some weeks - but it seems i´m kind of green these days....

So now I need to make some lavender houses and some hearts and some stars ....

Oh - the German text I will do tomorrow!