
Time for ... Kunst im Kloster.

Finally ....
Two weeks ago I´ve had a booth at a wonderful art show called "Kunst im Kloster" (art in the abbey - a very OLD historic building) in Pfullingen. A fantastic environment for art and crafts ... several different rooms, including the lovely garden!

Vor 2 Wochen war ich bei "Kunst im Kloster" in Pfullingen dabe, veranstaltet von Zeitraum 5. Diese wahnsinnig alten und schönen Räume und der Garten sind prädestiniert für Kunst und Kunsthandwerk! Es war nur schade, dass das Wetter so gruselig war - Regen, kalt,... so war die Nutzung des Gartens eingeschränkt.

 Buket Söylemz and I had different places - but at the end we ended with ONE!!

Wir hatten eigentlich 2 Stellplätze ... aber am Ende waren doch wieder zusammen ...


  1. Looks like a really neat place for an art show. Hope it all went well!

  2. Oh yes - we had a lot of fun, and there were so many nice people!
