So - my decision:
I would love to make a "words quilt" - a quilt made of blocks with words - liberated pieced. A little wonky, straight, small letters, big letters, ... FREE PIECING! No special size, just the background must be grey (dark or light doesn´t matter).
This is my "trial" block - my first free pieced word! That´s fun... more to come!

I have used the following tutorials and photopools:
scrapsandstrings: she does a lot with strip-piecing.
I have made the "o" and "a" with her tute!
wonderful pictures where you look for inspiration and hints how to sew all letters.
and if you search in flickr for "word quilts" you can see maaaany wonderful quilts with words!
for example here are some nice letter blocks:
and of course:
She is THE letter maker and she has written a great book about it.
I have used this tute as a help with piecing:
I had much fun with making my name - I hope you too!
Heute habe ich mein erstes "freigearbeitetes" Wort genäht - meinen Namen nämlich! Oben sind sämtliche Links, die ich benutzt habe! Daraus und noch vielen Wörtern mehr wird dann ein Quilt! Meine Mitglieder in der bits and pieces Gruppe in Flickr helfen mir dabei - yuhuu!
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