
Time for ... mug rugs....

There´s a mug rug swap on flickr - and I´m one of 5 swap mamas (one of my last mug rugs inspired Susan to atart this - smile all over my face)! Today we are 100 swappers - that´s pretty much for a first time swap! So there are some pictures already - I had a lot of "not fun at all" stuff to do this week - including making inviting cards and posters for our "einzigARTig - creative market" here in our town (aaaaaaaaaaaaarghghhhhhh - you shouldn´t do stuff you haven´t learned - but we will be successful - I´ll show you!!!!)
Okay - I wanted to do a little mug rug in between (something with fun AND success) - AND do some handstitching (like ähm - I try - the one I saw Mary made - she made some awesome, awesome, awesome quilts!) but HOW am I supposed to put a thread in THESE TINY needles????? I even couldn´t take a decent picture of the big (hahahaha) eye quilting needle (John James needles)?????
The needle in the background is a PRYM embroidery needle with a HUGE eye! But this one, together with the tread goes a little hard through the fabric... withen using the YLI quilting thread this went better - but it´s not the same effect...
Sorry - bad light - night time ...
Now I go looking for some pearl thread ... not easy for me to find here... the silver one is too thick. Tomorrow I´ll finish the binding on this mug rug and I´ll finish some pouches ...

See you


  1. I love, love the rug! You need an embroidery needle for the perle cotton. I use an assortment of Piecemakers needles(size 5 -10)...but usually use the one I can most easily thread. Also, the perle cotton comes in different weights...I use #8 or you could try #12. The smaller the number the thicker the thread is, though. So don't go any smaller than 8. Thank you for the lovely compliment! Your work is so wonderful!

  2. Ähem, ich habe erst Mud Rug gelesen und mich über die Tassen gewundert.. ist wohl noch ein wenig früh. Sieht schön aus.

  3. Thank you Mary!
    I was looking yesterday for some perle cotton #8 ... the one I used was a little to thick. And the needle I used was an embroidery needle - so not too wrong ... I´ll go on and try again!
